Atlas La Permanente Mobili

Cantù, piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi
1927-29 Palazzo dell’Esposizione Permanente Mobili:
engineer Giovanni Gerardi
1955-57 La Nuova Permanente:
architect Renato Radici

Photos by Isabella Sassi Farìas

La Permanente Mobili is the first of a series of furniture showrooms built in the town in Brianza starting in 1893. A virtuous example of cooperation by artisans, aimed at selling furniture made in Cantù, it boosted technical and cultural development of the furniture industry. In 1927 construction work began on the historic exhibition centre, flanked in 1957 by the modern building designed by the architect Renato Radici, embellished on the ground floor by a large mosaic by Lucio Fontana. This was the setting for the Mostra Selettiva del Mobile (Furniture Exhibition), an initiative that aroused international interest and would involve the great masters of architecture and design.

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