Atlas Isola Comacina
Comacina Island, a place of ancient settlements still to be explored, in 1920 was donated by its last owner, A. G. Caprani, to King Albert I of Belgium, who returned it to Italy to be made, under the protection of the Brera Academy, a centre of artistic exchanges between the two nations. After a 1921 competition for a Master Plan, which was unsuccessful, in the following two decades the projects by Gaetano Moretti/Federico Frigerio/Luigi Maria Caneva and Pietro Lingeri then attempted to give shape to this idea of a settlement. Economic difficulties, however, limited the construction to three “Artists’ Houses” by Lingeri, a reinterpretation of Le Corbusier’s Villa Le Sextant (1935).
Architectures of interest
Basilica of Sant’Eufemia, 7th-12th centuries.
Church of San Giovanni 17th century on earlier Romanesque buildings
Monastic church of SS. Faustino and Giovita post 12th century
Artist’s Houses types A, B, C, Sentiero degli Artisti, 1933-40, architect Pietro Lingeri; 2009-10 restoration architects Rebecca Fant, Andrea Canziani.