Atlas Chilometro della Conoscenza

Villa Olmo, via S. Cantoni 1
Villa del Grumello, via Cernobbio 11
Villa Sucota FAR, via Cernobbio 19
architects Brambilla Orsoni Associati, Corrado Tagliabue, Renato Conti, engineer G. Michele Colombo

Photo by Walter Mair

The project is a cultural operation created to promote a green area of great landscape value and artistic-monumental interest. By means of new bridges, the route connects the ancient parks and buildings of Villa Olmo, Villa del Grumello and Villa Sucota. The project involves institutional, cultural and scientific bodies, businesses, foundations and associations devoted to enhancing the arts by creating a network of places, ideas and events. The individual entities operate independently as well as in synergy.
The park and the villas are containers of experiences, each with a unique character. The greenhouses and the wooden bedrooms of the stables of Villa del Grumello have recently been renovated by Brambilla Orsoni Architetti Associati in collaboration with the architect Corrado Tagliabue.
Notable among the furnishings of the interiors of the Villa Sucota is the elegant library designed by the architect Luigi Caccia Dominioni. The villa preserves a refined collection of fabrics of the Fondazione Antonio Ratti.
The work was promoted by the Como Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with: the City of Como, the Province of Como, the Associazione Villa del Grumello and Fondazione Antonio Ratti with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation and the European Union.

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