Atlas Modern insertions in via Volta

Photo by Planar

Along the west side of the Walled City there is a substantial number of interventions, dating from the second half of the 20th century, replacing the old fabric or saturating the still unbuilt lots. These modern exceptions were grafted onto the historical fabric from previous ages. They affect both the northern part of via Volta, the ancient district of Fontanile, originally a productive area, and the southern one, the ancient district of Porta Nuova, characterized by a compact building curtain of residences for the more affluent classes.

Architectures of interest
Housing and Offices, via Volta 65, 1956, engineer Giacomo Mantegazza.
Civic Library, via Volta-via Indipendenza, 1961-70, architects Camillo Gubitosi, Rosalba La Creta, Mario Ragozino, engineer Mario Valli.
Housing and Offices , via Volta-via Cinque Giornate 59-61, 1974-75, architect Emilio Terragni, engineer Carlo Terragni.
Casa della Gioventù, via Volta 20-22, 1957-58, 1964, architect Elias Acerbis, engineer Armen Manoukian.
Office building of the Seterie Mantero, via Volta 72-74, 1924-26, engineer Gianni Mantero.
Comoexport, via Volta-via Rovelli, 1955, engineer Adolfo Dell’Acqua.

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