Atlas Via Andina Schools

Cantù, via Andina 6
engineer Attilio Terragni
architects Giulio Moscatelli, Enrico Meroni, Gigi Radice, Alberto Sala

Photo by Walter Mair

In 1953 the engineer Attilio Terragni built a primary school, the Scuola Elementare Ottavio Marelli, in Cantù. The linear block containing the classrooms runs parallel to Via Andina. Intersecting orthogonally with this is the sculptural volume of the auditorium, which surmounts the gymnasium, set partly below ground level. The volume is raised on pilotis and extends towards Via U. da Canturio. In 1954-1959 the Istituto Statale d’Arte was built in the same street to train pupils in furniture design and lacemaking. The project was by the architects Giulio Moscatelli, Enrico Meroni, Gigi Radice and Alberto Sala.

Photos by Walter Mair

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