Atlas Stadium Sinigaglia

Como, Viale Sinigaglia
1925-27 Stadium:
engineers Giovanni Greppi, Paolo and Vittorio Mezzanotte
1933-34 Casa del Balilla:
engineers Gianni Mantero and Angelo Croppi
1949 new stands:
engineers Enrico Ballerini and Luciano Trolli
1989-1991, 1998 restoration and extension:
architect Enrico Mantero, engineer Antonio Plankensteiner

Photos by Isabella Sassi Farìas

The stadium designed by Giovanni Greppi was built between 1925 and 1927 on the site known as Campo Garibaldi. The regime’s first public work, it combined celebratory needs with a skilful use of modern construction techniques. In 1933-34, after being acquired by the Opera Natzonale Balilla, modifications were made to the entrance and grandstand and it was extended with a long building by Gianni Mantero containing a swimming pool, gym, fencing room and the Opera Balilla headquarters. The building designs the current front on Viale Sinigaglia. The original complex envisaged a velodrome, subsequently removed to make room for alterations of a temporary nature and not in continuity with the existing structure.

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