Atlas Viale Masia
This axis, already defined on the lake by the construction of the Stadium and Hangar, in the southern part of the intersection with Viale Rosselli is the only post-war expansion in which there is a clearly perceptible urban attitude: high population density, curtain construction on both fronts and commercial use of the ground floors echoes a way of conceiving and constructing the city that in the same years found its emblematic application in Milan, but which remained rare in Como.
Architectures of interest
Building for housing and shops “Flamen”, viale Masia 45-67, 1963 architect Luigi Zuccoli.
Housing San Rocco, viale Masia 2, 1962-62, engineer Gianni Mantero.
Housing and Offices “Automobil Club ACI”, viale Masia 79, 1960, architect Silvio Longhi with Ico Parisi.